
General Health Sara Knight General Health Sara Knight

Could Magnesium Be Affecting You In Ways You Didn't Realise?

A client suffering from severe diarrhea for 18 months found relief by discontinuing a poor-quality magnesium supplement, primarily magnesium oxide, she was taking for restless legs. Proper magnesium forms, like chelates and citrates, are better absorbed. Lower doses are generally sufficient, with higher amounts needed for specific conditions like chronic fatigue. Increasing magnesium-rich foods and taking supplements separately from zinc, calcium, and iron aids absorption. Magnesium offers numerous benefits, including anxiety and muscle cramp relief, making it a key nutrient for gut and mental health.

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Gut health Sara Knight Gut health Sara Knight

Bloating: A Symptom of Digestive Issues

Bloating can be a perplexing and disruptive symptom, often occurring sporadically. Despite negative medical tests, it's typically linked to inadequate food digestion, dietary choices, or gut bacteria imbalances. In severe or chronic cases, a Complete Digestive Stool Analysis (CDSA) can offer insights and guide a tailored protocol, involving digestive enzymes, food intolerance testing, and pre/probiotics to restore balance. Don't delay seeking help for persistent bloating, as it can worsen over time and often requires intervention.

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General Health Sara Knight General Health Sara Knight

How to Make a Smoothie

Hot and humid weather calls for refreshing smoothies. They're perfect for any meal or snack, providing energy and nutrients. Customize your smoothie with 200 ml of fluid (like filtered water or nut milk), greens, fruits, protein (powders, seeds, or eggs), and healthy fats. Boost it with greens powder, nuts, seeds, prebiotics, and antioxidants. A simple protein-and-banana combo makes a great snack. Experiment with flavors and invest in a quality blender like NutriBullet for lasting use. Enjoy the versatility and health benefits of smoothies!

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General Health Sara Knight General Health Sara Knight

How to Chose a Protein Powder

Choosing a good protein powder can be tricky, but it's essential for meeting daily protein goals. Consider factors like whey or vegetable-based options, whether you want a simple protein source or one with added nutrients, and how you plan to use it. Amazon Raw Protein and Clean Lean Protein are quality choices. Look for clean brands with no added chemicals or preservatives, and don't hesitate to try single-serve sizes to find your preferred taste and blend. Alternatively, opt for whole protein sources like hemp seeds or sacha inchi if you're hesitant about protein powders.

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Stress, Mindset, Self Care Sara Knight Stress, Mindset, Self Care Sara Knight

Don't Buy Into It

Many clients are struggling with stress and exhaustion, exacerbated by the unrealistic image of perfection on social media. They feel inadequate, isolated, and unsupported. The message is clear: don't buy into it. Social media is a curated snapshot, not life's full picture. Connect authentically with friends, listen to their struggles, and offer support. True connection is honest, imperfect, and perfect in its own way.

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Gut health, Stress Naomi Chambers Gut health, Stress Naomi Chambers

IBS – Diarrhoea Dominant - Take Back Control

Diarrhea-dominant Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS-D) can significantly impact daily life, but naturopathic treatment often brings quick relief. Symptoms include frequent loose stools, pain, gas, and nausea. Causes may include stress, food triggers, Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), pathogens, and thyroid dysfunction. Treatment priorities involve stopping diarrhea, dietary adjustments, stress management, and nutrient replenishment. Many clients report rapid improvement and regaining control of their lives through this approach.

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Gut health, Stress Naomi Chambers Gut health, Stress Naomi Chambers

Irritable Bowel Syndrome – A Diagnosis Is Just The Beginning

Many diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) feel trapped with limited medical solutions. The author shares a personal journey of finding relief through naturopathy, herbal remedies, and dietary adjustments. They highlight the importance of recognizing the gut-brain connection in IBS and the variations in its types. It's not a dead-end; there's hope for improvement.

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Stress, General Health Naomi Chambers Stress, General Health Naomi Chambers

Cold Sores – Natural Relief… At Last

The author shares their personal journey dealing with recurrent cold sores, likely influenced by genetics, stress, and immunity. They've tried numerous treatments, both pharmaceutical and natural, and have developed a successful treatment plan over time. They plan to release a webinar covering cold sore topics and offer a supplement pack for prevention and healing...

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Gut health Naomi Chambers Gut health Naomi Chambers

The Importance of a Healthy Gut

The author emphasizes the significance of gut health and its far-reaching impact beyond digestion. They highlight the connection between gut health and mental well-being, skin conditions, immune function, cognition, and energy levels. A holistic approach to gut healing involves dietary changes, stress management, balancing gut bacteria, and toxin reduction. Seeking professional guidance is recommended for a personalized gut healing plan.

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General Health Naomi Chambers General Health Naomi Chambers

Getting your zzzz’s

The article highlights the significance of quality sleep for overall health and well-being. The author stresses that sleep is crucial for physical and mental restoration and emphasizes the negative effects of chronic sleep deficiency, including links to obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular issues, and mood disorders. Practical tips for improving sleep quality are provided, including avoiding stimulants before bedtime, creating a conducive sleep environment, and managing nighttime anxiety. The author offers support and herbal remedies for those struggling with sleep issues.

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Stress, Mindset, Habits Naomi Chambers Stress, Mindset, Habits Naomi Chambers

What Success Looks Like

The author shares a success story of a client who effectively managed anxiety and mild depression through their journey together. The client's achievements were attributed to self-awareness, courage to seek help, a holistic approach combining counseling, diet, herbs, and lifestyle changes, resilience in facing setbacks, self-compassion, the ability to let go of control, and maintaining hope throughout the process. The author emphasizes the importance of these attributes in achieving better mental and physical health and encourages others to embark on their own healing journeys.

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Stress, Mindset Naomi Chambers Stress, Mindset Naomi Chambers

I Get It

The author candidly shares a day when they didn't adhere to their own health standards, missing breakfast, skipping exercise, and experiencing poor sleep due to worries. They empathize with readers, emphasizing that everyone has such days. They highlight their commitment to supporting and guiding clients on their health journeys, offering encouragement and celebrating their successes.

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